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Joseph Galvez P
United States
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Let me guess? Food storage was the main purpose you had in mind when you actually bought your vacuum sealer, correct? Obviously, almost 9 out 10 buyers would confirm that owning an efficient food packaging solution was their foremost reason to purchasing t
JosG6yc5 01.11.2014 0 1520

In a preceding article we gave out three uncommon but very hands-on uses of vacuum sealer bags. If you have not read it, let me repeat these practices once more: ammo and bullets sealing up, precious metals protection and extension of battery life. In the
JosG6yc5 10.10.2014 0 1308

Visualize the following picture. It’s the end of a challenging, tough working week and, needless to say, you have had zero time to cook but contrary to what everyone would suppose, today for supper you have slow roasted pork (180 degrees for 12 hours), red
JosG6yc5 03.10.2014 0 1447

Say you are the type of person who, without being necessarily cheap, is interested in conserving food and take good care of your belongings, the following information might suit you very well. And it is not like the reader has to be fixated with saving eve
JosG6yc5 27.09.2014 0 1107